June 09, 2013

Week 26 Write a fun/nonsense poem using Prefixes

Spellings : Inattentive, Inconvenient, Incredible, Impatient, Irresponsible, Improbable, Impractical, Anticlockwise, Illegible, Illuminatingly

My mother said to me,
“Don't be an impractical man, and get mother a frying pan"
Said I, being an irresponsible brat,
“Now why on earth should I do that?”

Two long impatient tentacles reached for my back,
And send me swirling anti-clockwise onto her lap.
With an incredible surge of power,
The lady began to slap my rump for an hour.

After this terribly inconvenient session,     
The foul hands pushed me off her prized possession.
The illuminatingly gleaming eyes shone brightly on her face,
And she bellowed at me, “You ignorant squirt, I'll send you to space”

The illegible face fixed on mine in a snarling manner,
Like an improbable bar code scanner!
The inattentive menacing black eyes shot at me,
Until I stayed quivering on the spot like a palm tree!

So you see, I’d have your mum any day than mine
Because I’m sure yours is absolutely divine!

June 02, 2013

Week 25 Conjunctions

Spellings : Although, While, Consequently, Alternatively, On the other hand, Otherwise, As long as, Therefore, So that, However.                    

  1. His motionless expression matched the dull weather that hung about in the air around him. The cold, raspy breeze presented a startling effect on his skin, consequently causing goose bumps to form. Although he was wearing a woolly jumper made from the skin of a tiger, he shivered more than ever under them, longing for warmth to find its way to him. On the other hand, his sister galloped wildly on the grass while he watched her feeling less enthusiastic than usual, his thoughts wandering as to how his sister might be surviving through this weather.
  2. Mrs.Dixon bent her head and glared at her pupils down her long nose, so that her glasses almost fell off the long nose it was hanging to."I thought I asked for silence, Claudia! Get on with your work now!"As long as Mrs.Dixon kept her class quiet, her estimation of making a good teacher would raise higher among the staff. Otherwise her class would be considered the worst in the school, and she would have to pay the price for it, therefore receiving a never ending lecture by the strict principal. However her mood was not improved when the principal walked in. He alternatively made these little trips to her class room, and he was about to say something to her when he abruptly stopped as a paper aeroplane hit him on his nose."I'd like to have a word with you Mrs.Dixon he muttered. The colour drained out of Mrs.Dixon's face. This was far worse than the end of the world.

May 19, 2013

Week 24 Root words ending with 'y'

Spellings : Allying, Alliance, Variety, Variation, Married, Marriage, Replicate, Replication, Readiest, Readily, Hungriest, Hungriness, Heaviness, Heaviest, Supplier, Supplicant, Varied, Variable, Emptiness, Emptily

George O’Brian looked down upon his pot bellied tummy proudly. It had been the trademark of the O’Brians’ for many generations. It was the heaviest part of his body and he thought the heaviness seemed to regard him as an affluent person, and having pretty women flock around him at the barbecue.

He was now readily at his hungriest as the smell of food hit him in the nose and brought in a strong desire for appetite. His tummy groaned with emptiness as he glanced through the variety of food (which was appealing to the eye) that varied from shrimps to a roasted barbecue.

Nevertheless, he was sure he wouldn't ever get a marriage alliance and live a happy married life. Why, for when he met the lady who had  captured his heart like no other, turned away the minute she’d seen him at the BBQ hogging food like a greedy pig, marking him out as an obese person.

His eyes glistened with tears at the memory of losing his love to obesity, and he bit into the chicken shawarma, trying to forget about the painful incident.

May 05, 2013

Week 23

Spellings : Excuse, Excusable, Deplore, Deplorable, Forgive, Forgiveness, Furtive, Furtiveness, Excite , Excitable , Rehearse, Rehearsal,  Resource, Resourceful , Complete, Completely, Creatively, Creativeness, Purpose, Purposeful

The moon shone eerily as Madoline Watkins slipped out of her house, unable to get to sleep. Old aunt Breana had died. She hadn't been her most favourite aunt, but something was bothering her. Drifting out into the night sky, she walked sullenly to the grave yard. But as she walked to her old aunt Breana's grave, she knew something was wrong. A spirit wandered across to Madoline.
"Forgive me!" it yelled. "I beg forgiveness!"
 Madoline gasped as she realised that it was the spirit of old aunt Breana!
"CUT!" yelled the director. "The rehearsal went well indeed, but Madoline Watkins could have put a more deplorable expression and old aunt Breana a more excitable one."
With that, the performers began to rehearse from the starting giving no excuse or an excusable reason to stop for a break. The audience couldn't wait for the release of the complete film, 'Breana's Grave' and find a purposeful answer to what happens to her tormented spirit.

April 28, 2013

Week 22

Spellings : Stationary, Nations, Opposition, Intuition, Premonition, Constitute,Institution, Devotion, Demonstration, Contributing, Stationary, Nationality, Oppositional, Intuitions, Premonitions, Constitution, Institutionalise, Demonstration, Devotional, Contribution    

  1. Simon stifled a quick giggle as his dad paced up and down and around his brand new Ferrari, so unhappy to see it stationary. Sadly, he couldn't go close to it and have a quick drive through the country side, for it had nearly given him a heart attack, when he realized that someone had splattered egg yolk on his car. Any attempt to remove the dried yolk would ruin the paint job. Simon indeed thought his dad had proved very devotional to his new car! He certainly didn't fuss around like this to Simon himself. He could guess what his dad was thinking.
    "It must have been one of the gardeners from a different nationality. They quite obviously don't like us.
  2. Andy scowled as he stood up for the sermon. Yawn. How dreadful to go to church each week as a regular routine. Mum said that she started going religiously since her father passed away. Why? they never used to step foot in this place, and suddenly they have to pray in sudden devotion. Mum had made him give his pocket money all away for the contribution part in church. All for nothing? Well, he was surely not going to start contributing, if that was what mum was thinking. When it came to the giving part, Andy hesitatingly dropped the cash in. Was mum looking? No! Carefully, he grabbed the money which was left in the tiny basket and stuffed the wad of cash in his pocket. His intuition didn't agree with it though.
  3. Sarah walked up to the art institution, smiling cheerfully at her teacher who ran up to her, breathless. The teacher might have been old, yet she had a strong constitution which you could tell from her well built body. In her hands she cradled some odd items of stationery. This brought back memories of her grandma who had once been an artist too.

April 21, 2013

Week 21

Spellings : Regenerate, Regenerating, Encourage, Encouraging, Assemble, Assembling, Weaver, Weaving, Undertaking, Undertaken, Trouble,Troubling,  Provider, Providing, Queue, Queuing, Negate, Negating, Motivation, Motivating

  1. He stared at the great beauty before him and reached down to gently stroke her black abdomen. Assembling her together hadn't been easy, but it was worth taking all the trouble. She was  sure going to do him proud by a hundred customers queuing up to buy her! If so, he would definitely be encouraged to go on with his forth right plan. Simultaneously he would also take up weaving as his career and own a shop of clothes. But then a voice spoke at the back of his mind, "What if this never works out? Your plan is shattered to pieces! He pushed the troubling thought away, and kissed the beauty. She was indeed his first prized car.
  2. As the old lady stood in the shopping queue, she glanced at her grandson. He was twenty-one now, with a husky complexion and thick manner. But the dame knew better than that. She pitied him for undertaking so much work. If only there was a provider providing him with all the help he needed he wouldn't have undertaken so much pressure! A tear fell out of the dame's eyes. She wiped it with the back of her hand, but not quick enough for her grandson to not notice. If only she had kept motivating and encouraging him to come out of this filthy business.
  3. Carlo stood in the hall's beginning to assemble the pieces of his toy aeroplane together while his mother, a famous weaver also sat in the hall, humming to the clicking noise of her thimble as she weaved. Carlo proudly launched his missile in the air but gasped in terror as it hit their antique glass vase, which came clattering onto the floor. 

April 14, 2013

Week 20

Spellings : Mischievous, Extermination, Catastrophic, Amiable, Distinguish, Symptom, Graffiti, Occurred, Chemist, Distortion

  1. Linda sat in her chair looking gloomily at at her teacher who stood writing a sum on the white board. Numeracy was so boring. Fortunately the  bell rang like a chirpy friend. Linda dashed out the classroom and went out to have her snack. She skidded to a halt, realising that she'd left her hat in the classroom. But as she gingerly tiptoed to pick up her hat, she realised that the door of her class room was locked! Frowning in confusion, she peered through the glass on the side of the door. It occurred to her that there were two men standing on front of the white board both distinguish with a mischievous twinkle in their eyes. Then one of them tugged at the white board. As it came crashing to the floor, Linda realised that there was graffiti scribbled on the walls! "It is an amiable decision," they said. "I suggest we make our extermination through the window." Too sick with the distortion of the truth, Linda turned away and fled.
  2. Chemist Arnold wondered if his life was about to end as he looked at the figure huddled up in the bed-covers like a limp rag doll. He couldn't believe she had a symptom of cancer. It was indeed a catastrophic illness.

March 17, 2013

Week 19

Spellings : Dandelion, Conclusion, Evaluation, Carbohydrate, Comprehend, Competitive, Effervescent, Perpendicular, Transparent, Endurance

John raced in a very competitive manner to the International Science Fair. This brilliant project competition, he was bound to win. The grand veil that concealed the great project made it look gorgeous. Mr.Brown, the science teacher looked worried, though he was determined to keep on cheery expression. The reports from last years science fair were enough to catapult him into a horrible memory. Think about the evaluation than the conclusion he thought. This year would be different though.

The veil suddenly dropped off. The pale transparent colour made John gasp at his own wonder electronic device that he worked hard to put together. The perpendicular edges now made him tremble. Through hard work and endurance he managed to complete this rather challenging project. The butterflies fluttered around in his tummy, making him feel quite nervous. The pulse on his vein beat quicker. It was like he had over eaten too much of carbohydrate. The judges gabbled something to the audience but John couldn't comprehend what they were saying, for he felt sick at heart. 

It was too good to be true when he heard his name being announced for the winning project. Feeling a bit shaky, he walked up to the stage to receive his gold award and huge bouquet of bright yellow dandelion to go with it.

March 10, 2013

Week 18

Spellings: Passionate, Transfuse, Repossess, Oppressing, Profession, Illustration, Publication,  Characters,  Describing,  Paragraph

Nikola Frye waited patiently in the hallway as Clara a maid began to transfuse the warm tea into one cup then the other to cool it down. Today was Nikola’s big chance of meeting the one and only great author, Ruby Botwright. It was like reading Shakespeare’s literature. Nikola thought smiling secretly to herself. Indeed Ruby certainly had a great profession when it came to writing, and had her work published with a Penguin Books publication

One of her most famous books was called “Mourning Softly” with lively illustration by Alexandra Sheffield. Most of Ruby's books began with a paragraph describing various characters in a story.

Quickly, Nikola gulped down her tea in a hurry and made for the door to board the taxi. Meanwhile, Nikola was quite lost in a crowd of people, all making their way to Ruby Bothwright. A passionate young lady fortunately spotted Nikola and helped her through the stampede. Sadly, the book signing time and asking questions was all over, and the room was quite empty. Nikola hid behind a chair and watched the author all on herself in the middle of the hall. Ruby snorted in dismay. “Flowers!” She exclaimed. “Who needs flowers? I'm only here so I can repossess Backfold Cross,where I once lived."
The oppressing famous author threw the flowers in a heap and grandly made her way across the exit of the room, locking the door behind her.


March 03, 2013

Week 17

Spellings: Chronology, Before, Literal, Figure, Complicate, Possess, Persuade, Discussing, Thinking, Different, Chronological, Preposition, Literally, Differentiate, Figurative, Complication, Possessive, Persuasive, Discussion, Thoughtfully

James Gholb stuck his head through the door. The coast was clear. Quick as lightening, he tip-toed gingerly towards the velvet pillow on which lay a gleaming ruby that the Duchess Cornelian had under her possess.

James hesitated then began thinking wildly. After all it was Paul who began discussing this idea ever since he’d been held prisoner and began trying to persuade him into this crazy plan of stealing the precious gem. Suddenly he felt a figure closing up right behind him. Quickly he slipped the sparkly jewel into his vest pocket before flinging the velvet pillow thoughtfully on the grim attacker. 

Unfortunately, the attacker managed to dodge this unexpected missile and caught James and pinned him down. “We need to have a serious discussion about this, young lad.” he muttered and literally dragged poor James out of the room. James squealed like a stuck pig. Oh, when he was just trying to make a grand escape, things began to complicate around him.

February 24, 2013

Week 16

Spellings : Apprehension, Interestingly, Pieces, Freights, Cautiously, Console, Underestimated, Photosynthesis, Sophisticated, Mystifying

  1. Hurriedly stuffing her bulging school bag into her locker, Lucy dashed into the classroom. She was going to be late! But as she scrambled up to her table, a golden vision was seated in her chair. Lucy stammered, and then quickly recovered her footing from stopping her from falling in amazement. What on earth was the girl doing in her spot? Ms. Glacier smiled at Lucy’s astonishment. “Lucy dear, this is a new girl, Melanie. She’ll be seated in your spot and you’ll be moved next to Andy.” Lucy hastily moved her things next to Andy and glared at the new girl. How dare she take her spot? Melanie looked at Lucy interestingly, and then turned to Ms. Glacier. It was soon break so Lucy ran back to her trusty locker, and gasped. The place had been turned upside down! Glass pieces smashed into splinters that lay scattered and ants crawled busily into her school bag. Too upset to speak, she got her banana and quietly made her way downstairs. She bit her lower lip to console herself and peered cautiously into one of the girl’s bathrooms hearing a mystifying scream. A gruesome sight met her eyes. Melanie stood towering over little Elizabeth while the helpless girl shivered in the corner. Lucy ran out of the toilets. She had had enough. Maybe she had underestimated the new girl.
    It was soon science and they were studying sophisticated chunks about 
    Photosynthesis and even though Lucy loved science, she still couldn't take her  mind off the horrible encounter in the bathroom. Whatever could Melanie have done to poor Elizabeth? Finally, Lucy made up her mind. She would tell off Melanie and set things all right. So she tore up to Ms Glacier and explained what had happened. Ms Glacier nodded in apprehension, but she couldn't go any further, for Melanie had heard. She frowned heavily at Lucy, then landed with a cross little thump upon her chair, and read her reading book about freights quietly. 

February 03, 2013

Week 15 - Adjectives with suffix 'ful'

Spellings : Playful, Hopeful, Thankful, Hateful, Careful, Fearful, Pitiful, Handful, Colourful, Plentiful

She sat back relaxed upon the hard wooden bench staring dreamily at the plentiful sky which seemed to blush at her. The sun raced down the horizon and disappeared like a rainbow melting into the sky.She sighed in the bliss of it all. Her eyes drooped shut and she dreamed dreams. But it was all ruined when her hateful little brother advanced towards her in playful little jumps the last one landing upon her. She screamed and treated him to some colourful words. Then she began to feel a bit fearful as her brother marched inside their house sending her a pitiful glare. She could just guess what he was about to do the little tell-tale brat. Now it'd be all her fault. She would get into hot water with mum but she was still feeling hopeful as she entered the house. She must be careful next time, she thought, but she felt relieved and thankful as mum strode up to her, a smile on her face. probably the little handful of her brother didn't tell on her after all.

January 27, 2013

Week 14

Spellings : Choreography, Scenery, Dramatist, Empathy, Emote, Harmony, Understudy, Portray, Characterise, Enact

It was about 7:59 when Gregory burst into Mrs.Higgins classroom and waited for the speech of glory. Today was quiet an exciting day as Mrs.Higgins had arranged a play and the dramatist for it was Esme Vander. The play was called 'Last Tuesday Night' going to be presented on the coming Wednesday. Everyone had been auditioning for the parts and Gregory was very much hoping to be chosen for Josh, the boy who last ever saw his parents. He had already seen the scenery being painted on the canvas and ready to be hung up in the auditorium.

"And now children, we have decided," Mrs.Higgins cool voice made her class sit up straight. "For Josh we will have Jake, and Brian  will do well for his understudy."

Gregory felt very much sad indeed. How could he not have been chosen? He tried so well for the parts, he was so sure to be chosen for Josh. He began to think deeply in self pity. He was so lost in himself that he didn't even realise that his classmates were all busy trying to enact different characters in the play. But the sound of music playing in harmony made him jump. While Mrs.Higgins was planning choreography with powerful athletic moves combined with some gymnastics for short dance, the main dancers in the class began to characterise an opening dance with soft agile movements.

"Gregory?" Mrs.Higgins barked. "I don't see you doing any proper moves here."

Gregory's mouth jutted down to portray a collection of bright white teeth and his friends looked towards him in empathy. Gregory simply dropped his head downwards like an unhappy dog, making him look like he was trying to emote the rabbit in 'Last Tuesday Night'.

January 20, 2013

Week 13

Spellings : Politically, Politician, Physicals, Physicians, Fraction, Fractionally, Reaction, Reactionary, Fiction, Friction, Proportion, Proportionate, Diction, Dictionary, Tractions, Subtraction, Directing, Directional, Electrician, Electrical

It all started when the family of three began to eat their dinner. Suddenly the thunderstorm cracked up and lightening surged around the house. And then they had the power cut. Little Joe, instead of doing his subtraction homework was sprawled all over the floor, reading a fiction book and a dictionary by his side, was very displeased indeed.

“Hey!” his surprised voice echoed around the house. “What happened? I can’t see anything!”

So while Mrs. Hope lighted a candle and calmed him down, Mr. Hope began to poke some numbers into the telephone.

“Hello?” He asked. “Is this Mr. Rider the electrician? We have a power cut around so if you could come over we would be very grateful.” And he began directing the electrician to the tiny hooked up villa where the three Hopes lived. In no time at all, the electrician arrived, dressed head to toe in black. He certainly didn't look like one though he carried a box of tools along with him. He gave Mrs. Hope a steely grin. There was something very sinister about him. His crunched nose kept snorting in an alarming fashion. Then he walked himself inside and into the kitchen, and stood on a chair, prodding at the ceiling, and trying to fix the electrical circuits. Little Joe howled somewhere about in the living room, so Mrs. Hope rushed off and while she attended to him, the electrician stroked his beard thoughtfully and gave a devilish grin. 

When she returned she stopped dead in her tracks to see a messy kitchen. A good proportion of her chicken pie had disappeared and so was Mr.Rider too. She noticed the back door had creaked open just a fraction. Mrs Hopes eyes grew wide in terror as light dawned upon her and she gasped in reaction to what had happened. She quickly headed to the telephone and began to dial the number ‘999.’ Despite all this going on, she still managed to have a laugh as Little Joe ran about shouting that he was a bossy politician.

January 13, 2013

Week 12 'i' before 'e' except after 'c'

Spellings : Handkerchiefs, Anciently, Perceived, Neighbourly, Yielding, Patiently, Conscience, Obediently, Deceitfully, Weights

  1. Amy sighed mournfully as she opened the front door. Just her bad luck that the car broke down, halfway back home. “Mum, Mum!”, the two excited voices of her children made her cheer up. “Calm down, Cherry and Bess!” she exclaimed laughing. But then Bees spoilt it all by accidentally pouring strawberry juice all over Amy’s fine new white trousers. “Bess,” hissed Amy and scolded her deceitfully. “Cherry, go be a dear and get mum a tissue.” Cherry rushed off obediently and did just that. It was soon time for bed. After patiently tucking the children into bed, Amy’s conscience started troubling her. Was it so right to scold Bess for pouring strawberry juice down her?

  2. Kathy walked back from school feeling proud. She seemed to be yielding a new talent. In case you didn't know, Kathy’s class had to sew handkerchiefs and whose ever seemed the best would win. And she, Kathy had won! Mrs.Linne, the sewing mistress was awfully pleased with her and said that she had perceived Kathy would excel brilliantly in sewing. My, whatever would her parents say.

  3. He stumbled across the pavement. The weights of his ever so  anciently school bag was much too heavy for him. He tripped over twice and cried in pain. But nobody rushed forward to help him. People passing by pretended not to hear or would look at him and sneer at the horrible gash he had endured. Blood trickled down his leg and into his socks, making them look all funny. Just then, a neighbourly widow spotted the boy and rushed forward to help.

January 06, 2013

Week 11

Spellings : Frightening, Freights, Bearded, Hearth, Ploughing, Shields, Thief, Flavours, Flavouring, Rumours.

  1. As I walked to the playground everybody laughed. Then some kid sniggered at me, "Is it true that Lizzy Green started ploughing the playground with a spade and then found a mummy inside?"They all laughed. I dug my nails into my plan. It had happened again. Just as I was having such a great day in school, Jack who had an intense dislike for me spread another rumour. And not just one. At least ten rumours in a day! The thought of the wicked thief spreading these unkind lies was too much to bear. I marched off to Mr.Tean, the brown bearded man to tell off Jack. It had gone far too much.
  2. It was a dark quiet night in the forbidden forest as the boy stood in the very clearing. He was covered with marks of charcoal and his cheeks were a bright red. But that didn't matter now. For twelve days of suffering in bitter winds it was worth it. He rubbed his hands to the warmth of the hearth. The boy wore nothing at all except a small piece of loin cloth tied beneath his waist. He bent over to steady the roaring flames which had started to crackle noisily, and suddenly he heard it, the inhuman frightening cry. And then it pounced.
  3. She sat by the railway station on the grassy landscape gazing hungrily at the many different flavours of ice-cream on display. The freights hurried on, making her feel quiet dizzy. Then the train stopped and chuffed like an athlete out of breath. Two men with devilish looks sneaked into the train and came out with something that looked like two shields plated with gold and silver. Flashing each other a saucy look they scrambled on, taking the loot with them.

November 25, 2012

Week 10

Spellings : Stationary, Predicting, Abandoned, Category, Conference, General, Marvellous, Describing, Generous, Primary.

  1. Kristy shivered as she entered Mandy's Primary School. It was her first day here. Was she late already? As she made her way to the new classroom, she knocked politely on the door before entering in.
    "Hello!" said her class teacher "You must be Kristy. How marvellous! Today we're going to write a plan for our story, using lot of describing words."
    Kristy didn't have a pencil nor a pen, so the new teacher was very generous and lent her one.
  2. In a little village in the outskirts of India, the local people were organizing a charity conference were people brought in general materials such as stationary, clothing, soft toys and most importantly food for the abandon.
  3. When Rachel went to her best friends house, she admired the various category of colourful bright flowers and twisted creepers that adorned the walls of her little garden.
  4. The grey clouds hung heavy like a sponge soaked in water and gran was predicting it was likely for the rains to come. Indeed, she was right, for in no time at all the rains came pouring down.

November 18, 2012

Week 9 using suffix 'tion'

Spellings : Completion, Repetition, Distribution, Pollution, Opposition, Revolution, Promotion, Institution, Translation, Intuition

  1. Ethel groaned in despair as mum handed her, her literacy homework. The only reason that she was doing this junk was because mum had promised her is she ever managed to make the completion. She would drive her over to her favourite restaurant, Taromas. They were having a special promotion and free distribution of pizza slices. Ethel took another glance at her homework. It said to write a whole page of an essay about pollution. Also she hadn't practised her spellings. She recollected her teacher saying that repetition was a very good way of learning hard words.
  2. It was new year, Chris, his mum and dad were holding a party. They has invited quite a lot of people including mums old colleague from her computer institution.
  3. "Emily? what did I just say?" bellowed Mrs.Kates.
    "Um..um..." Mumbled Emily.
    "Oh, just as expected, you wasn't listening! Well, can you tell me the translation of the word "big" in French?"
    Emily answered perfectly, much to the teachers surprise. Thanks to my intuition, she thought.
  4. It was glorious sunny day as I trooped happily into the astroturf. In case you didn't know, I was playing against St.Welbroughs for the foot ball match held today. As everybody got positioned, I took a quick glance at the opposition team. Wow! They looked pretty scary!
    "There's no way we're going to beat them!" I murmured.

November 11, 2012

Week 8

Spellings : Decomposition, Education, Responsibility, Heaviest, Undecided, Simplification, Impossibility, Classified, Medication, Critically

As Anne sat outside the hospital waiting room, tears silently dropped on her purple bolero. Would mum be okay? What was going on in there? As you can see, Anne's mother was in terrible danger, and was rushed to the hospital quick. If something hadn't been done quickly, Anne's mother would die. A few minutes later, Anne's mum appeared.

"Are you okay mum?" asked Anne. 

A couple of tensed second's passed by and Anne's mother finally replied.

"No my dear, I'm not. I'm terribly ill and there has to be someone to fend for our little family, you and I. Seeing the impossibility of me getting well the doctors have put me under serious medication. And I'm afraid to give you the responsibility of working as a maid. You have of course an education. Which will mean you will be classified as a wonderful nan. Please will you do this?"

I simply stared at her, speechless. It was one of the heaviest choices to make, leaving me undecided. I certainly didn't want my mum to take great trouble, critically at this stage in her life. On the other hand, neither did I want to become a maid and have a job. I seemed too young, and I loved school. It seemed such a shame to quit. What should I do?

October 21, 2012

Week 7 Verb Tenses

Spellings : Whispered, Whispering, Whisper, Grumbled, Grumbling, Grumble, Think, Thought, Bring, Brought

  1. It was Sunday morning, Kathy's birthday. Hurray! She was turning 10 and to celebrate Mum and Dad had promised her an enormous chocolate cake. As she walked down the stairs, Kathy heard a lot of whispering coming from the hall.I wonder what's dad going to bring this year, she thought. May be something rubbish like last time, which had been a disaster.
    Dad had brought a huge box of crackers and when he opened the lid, blobs of foam splattered across the room, having grown-ups and children running about everywhere. Kathy couldn't help but grumble at the unforgettable memories.
  2. It was numeracy assessment and Rachel trooped unhappily to Mrs.Andrews class. She certainly had not prepared and was in such a bad mood that she had forgotten to bring a pencil with her. Fortunately her best friend Sophie managed to lend her one.

    "Thanks, Soph..." Rachel whispered but Mrs. Andrews cut her short.

    "Rachel Green!" she bellowed. "How dare you speak when we do a test? You are really unbearily child." she grumbled. "Out, out now," and grumbling away to herself she pushed Rachel  roughly out of the door.

    What can I do now? Rachel began to think. I'm going to get the score zero, and mum and dad are going to ground me for the rest of my life!

October 14, 2012

Week 6 Adverbs

Spellings : Carefully, Viciously, Vigorously, Extremely, Peacefully, Excellently, Unexpectedly, Beautifully, Embarrassingly, Interestingly

  1. The Russian spy carefully checked both sides if the palace, then vigorously scrambled along the aisle, extremely cautious not to catch any of the guards attention.
  2. It was ballet lessons. Aarrghh! Why did mum have to put me to the hateful ECA? Elisa hoped mum had forgotten, but no. When the dreadful time had arrived, Elisa was to go to Englands's Primary School for her ballet lessons. And in no time at all she had arrived and was soon walking through the corridors when she heard somebody say,
    "Well that was an uttermost beautiful peice, young lady. Very excellently done I must admit."
    Slowly. Elisa peered round the door. Unexpectedly enough, she saw a smiling old lady standing next to a fair haired girl, wearing pink satin ballet shoes and a matching leotard twirling away beautifully.
  3. Tuesday dawned bright and early and Clare jumped out of bed. She had slept peacefully last night, despite the fact that she had stayed up to one 'o clock. Interestingly enough her so called baby brother Sam bounced viciously into her bedroom.
    "Hey!" exclaimed Clare "You know you are not allowed in here, Sam?"
    "Am too." he shot back, jiggling with Clare's homework, before ripping out the pages with his tiny fist.

October 07, 2012

Week 5 Root Words

Spellings : Medic, Medicine, Medication, Child, Childish, Childhood, Relate, Relation, Relatively, Cover

  1. On a bright sunny day at Canada’s British College, Melanie had been badly injured in the college playground.
    “Oh you poor child!” Exclaimed the nurse when she saw Melanie bleeding profusely.
    “You are going to go under some serious medication, and soon enough a medic will come by and cover up your wound, and then you’ll be as right as rain.”
    The nurse spoke to Melanie in a way that made her feel very childish.

  2. Beatrice and her mum walked into the hospital to see granddad. Mum left Beatrice by the counter, while she went to the local pharmacy to check up a new medicine. Suddenly, a loud shriek was clearly heard from one of the corridors. Everybody stopped what they were doing and ran towards the sound, including Beatrice herself. She then noticed a dwarf hurry alongside the aisle.
    “What’s the matter?” asked Beatrice kneeling down on the white floor.
    The dwarf began to relate a bit about his childhood life, in a rather hoarse voice. What is he saying? Wondered Beatrice. But as the dwarf continued his speech, Beatrice grew worried. What was she going to do. She thought feeling helpless.

September 30, 2012

Week 4

Spellings : Recover, Discovery, Scribe, Describe, Manuscript, Press, Impression, Expression, Port, Portable

  1. It was the last thing that Penelope wanted to remember. Grandma Glady’s sat on her deathbed, her neck craned mournfully. Penelope turned away, her expression blank. Oh why, had grandma Glady’s had to have the serious injury of falling off dad’s small chair? The feeling of somebody close dying was bitterly horrible to describe. Soon enough, Dr.Francis came in, and everybody was shoved away at once. Penelope stood outside, her heart in her mouth. It only took a few minutes for Dr.Francis to have a check with gran, but to Penelope it seemed to take hours and hours. Dr.Francis appeared at the door all at once and said to Penelope
    “Well, your grandma has been very ill for the last couple of days.” Penelope clutched her fists. “Therefore..” she stiffened.  “there is only one way for her to recover.” He went on. “There’s a rare plant that grow in a dangerous jungle filled with wild beasts, and many scientists have tried to make it to discovery.

  2. While Emily and her cousin Andrew visited one of Egypt’s famous museums which showed all the wonderful things that happened to the country in the past, they met a stern looking ancient scribe holding a stuffed up manuscript. He looked so full of himself, which gave a bad impression on Emily and Andrew. The scribe seemed just the person they wanted to annoy most of all, with his black wrinkled moustache and his awful beady eyes.

  3. On 21st of October was Abby’s birthday. For a treat, dad let her go on a trip to Burj Khalifa, not just to visit, but to stay there as a special treat of all. Their baggage was portable and in no time at all, they had zoomed through the car and right into the magnificent elevator.
    Press the button,” said a guard after dad tipped him a great deal. Abby put on the lovely thick gloves and pressed the button and…WHOOM! ZOOM! CRICKETY – CRACK! The elevator shot up in the air, and there was no end of what happened next.


September 23, 2012

Week 3 Synonyms

Spellings : Hardship, Misfortune, Harmonious, Amicable, Endearing, Lovable, Perseverance, Determination, Voyage, Expedition

  1. As Rachel walked into the veranda, a huge fluffy white kitten pounced on top of her, knocking Rachel over. Rachel stood up and dusted herself. "What a lovable kitten!" she exclaimed, as she noticed the poor thing huddled under a small can, its paws sticking out.
  2. Nancy always struggled with swimming. Her teacher, Miss Smiths called out to her, "Nancy, if you have the determination to do your 5 meters backstroke, you can certainly stick up with your perseverance." But Nancy would pretend not to hear and would wade on with her nose stuck high in the air.
  3. The sun dawned bright and early, as Eric got up with a yawn. Then he realized that today he was going sailing away. He zapped into his clothes, when his father Mr.Clares hurried along and took Eric's hand.
    "Bon Voyage!" cried out Eric.
    "I hope that the expedition goes well." said Mr.Clares, dabbing his eyes on the back of his sleeves. As he dropped his son off to the docks, tears welled in his eyes and Mr.Clares wondered if he'd ever see Eric again.
  4. While Faith and her gran visited Abigails Orphanage of the needy to hand down some of Faiths outgrown clothes, her gran said "What a hardship these youngsters are going through."
    "Indeed they are, its such a misfortune" replied Faith in an unusually low voice.

September 16, 2012

Week 2 Irregular Plurals

Spellings : Goose, Geese, Child, Children, Stimulus, Stimuli, Cactus, Cacti, Antenna, Antennae, Formula, Formulae, Vertebra, Vertebrae, Louse, Lice, Curriculum, Curricula.

  1. Angie was visiting London's famous zoo. She saw a lonely goose sitting in a small pond . She held out a huge bag of popcorn and in no time at all a gaggle of geese were all attacking the bag of popcorn until there was nothing left.
  2. I saw a young woman handing out some sample make up kits, when suddenly a crowd of women appeared out of nowhere.
  3. Amelia's mother said to Nora's, "I don't want to put my child in the IB curriculum because not too many children are going in for it.
  4. In the Dubai gardens, I spotted a row of neatly laid Cacti, thirteen in all.
  5. A antenna is something that senses any radio active signals such as in a TV while it also can be found on the heads of certain insects such as a cockroach. 
  6. While Beatrice was sleeping next to her cousin Lucas, she caught a huge amount of lice"Bother Lucas," grumbled Beatrice.
  7. Abigail's gran had a fall when she skipped a step and slipped and after she was rushed to the hospital, the doctor said that gran had broken one of her vertebra.

September 09, 2012

Week 1 Using suffix 'ing'

Spellings : Regenerating, Encouraging, Assembling, Weaving, Undertaken, Troubling, Providing, Queuing, Negating, Motivating.

  1. It was a lovely breezy morning as Alice munched her breakfast happily. She was in Year 6D growing up really fast! Her mum started sending her for tuitions and she had undertaken a lot of trouble going through some hard homework Miss.Alison had given her for a challenge. But somehow something was wrong thought Alice. But, she soon found out what was troubling her. As soon as she got to school everyone was assembling some bits of laminated cards. "What's going on here?" Alice asked. But to her surprise nobody responded. Suddenly she spotted her best friend Carla striding towards her. "Watch out!" squealed Alice.But to Alice's astonishment Carla walked right through her. Alice shook her head, thinking her mind was playing tricks on her and went up to their teacher who was busy encouraging another pupil. She spoke quietly, then shouted at Mrs.Hotash. Alice wept. Everybody seemed to ignore her. She closed her eyes and sunk into a lonely puddle.
  2. On a wonderfully white and snowy day, Mrs. Meadows sat inside, busy with her weaving. Her daughter Dorothy Meadows skipped around their huge bright living room. Dorothy had always longed for her sister, an identical one just like her and may be a third identical one. Then everybody would be queuing up just to catch a glimpse of the triplets. Dorothy went to Ausbery's primary school and she loved all the subjects there. People always used to tease her and call her names but Dorothy didn't mind. Her favourite subject was science especially as her mum worked as a teacher under it and she got provided with lots of different materials. Dorothy always used to sneak-peak some of them back into her room and try out an experiment. When she was feeling really bad and let down in Science Mrs.Meadows was seen motivating her and oh what a blissfully change there was in Dorothy after!