February 03, 2013

Week 15 - Adjectives with suffix 'ful'

Spellings : Playful, Hopeful, Thankful, Hateful, Careful, Fearful, Pitiful, Handful, Colourful, Plentiful

She sat back relaxed upon the hard wooden bench staring dreamily at the plentiful sky which seemed to blush at her. The sun raced down the horizon and disappeared like a rainbow melting into the sky.She sighed in the bliss of it all. Her eyes drooped shut and she dreamed dreams. But it was all ruined when her hateful little brother advanced towards her in playful little jumps the last one landing upon her. She screamed and treated him to some colourful words. Then she began to feel a bit fearful as her brother marched inside their house sending her a pitiful glare. She could just guess what he was about to do the little tell-tale brat. Now it'd be all her fault. She would get into hot water with mum but she was still feeling hopeful as she entered the house. She must be careful next time, she thought, but she felt relieved and thankful as mum strode up to her, a smile on her face. probably the little handful of her brother didn't tell on her after all.

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