: Stationary, Nations, Opposition, Intuition, Premonition,
Constitute,Institution, Devotion, Demonstration, Contributing, Stationary,
Nationality, Oppositional, Intuitions, Premonitions, Constitution, Institutionalise, Demonstration, Devotional, Contribution
- Simon stifled a quick giggle as his dad paced up and down and around his brand new Ferrari, so unhappy to see it stationary. Sadly, he couldn't go close to it and have a quick drive through the country side, for it had nearly given him a heart attack, when he realized that someone had splattered egg yolk on his car. Any attempt to remove the dried yolk would ruin the paint job. Simon indeed thought his dad had proved very devotional to his new car! He certainly didn't fuss around like this to Simon himself. He could guess what his dad was thinking.
"It must have been one of the gardeners from a different nationality. They quite obviously don't like us.
- Andy scowled as he stood up for the sermon. Yawn. How dreadful to go to church each week as a regular routine. Mum said that she started going religiously since her father passed away. Why? they never used to step foot in this place, and suddenly they have to pray in sudden devotion. Mum had made him give his pocket money all away for the contribution part in church. All for nothing? Well, he was surely not going to start contributing, if that was what mum was thinking. When it came to the giving part, Andy hesitatingly dropped the cash in. Was mum looking? No! Carefully, he grabbed the money which was left in the tiny basket and stuffed the wad of cash in his pocket. His intuition didn't agree with it though.
- Sarah walked up to the art institution, smiling cheerfully at her teacher who ran up to her, breathless. The teacher might have been old, yet she had a strong constitution which you could tell from her well built body. In her hands she cradled some odd items of stationery. This brought back memories of her grandma who had once been an artist too.

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