January 13, 2013

Week 12 'i' before 'e' except after 'c'

Spellings : Handkerchiefs, Anciently, Perceived, Neighbourly, Yielding, Patiently, Conscience, Obediently, Deceitfully, Weights

  1. Amy sighed mournfully as she opened the front door. Just her bad luck that the car broke down, halfway back home. “Mum, Mum!”, the two excited voices of her children made her cheer up. “Calm down, Cherry and Bess!” she exclaimed laughing. But then Bees spoilt it all by accidentally pouring strawberry juice all over Amy’s fine new white trousers. “Bess,” hissed Amy and scolded her deceitfully. “Cherry, go be a dear and get mum a tissue.” Cherry rushed off obediently and did just that. It was soon time for bed. After patiently tucking the children into bed, Amy’s conscience started troubling her. Was it so right to scold Bess for pouring strawberry juice down her?

  2. Kathy walked back from school feeling proud. She seemed to be yielding a new talent. In case you didn't know, Kathy’s class had to sew handkerchiefs and whose ever seemed the best would win. And she, Kathy had won! Mrs.Linne, the sewing mistress was awfully pleased with her and said that she had perceived Kathy would excel brilliantly in sewing. My, whatever would her parents say.

  3. He stumbled across the pavement. The weights of his ever so  anciently school bag was much too heavy for him. He tripped over twice and cried in pain. But nobody rushed forward to help him. People passing by pretended not to hear or would look at him and sneer at the horrible gash he had endured. Blood trickled down his leg and into his socks, making them look all funny. Just then, a neighbourly widow spotted the boy and rushed forward to help.

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