October 07, 2012

Week 5 Root Words

Spellings : Medic, Medicine, Medication, Child, Childish, Childhood, Relate, Relation, Relatively, Cover

  1. On a bright sunny day at Canada’s British College, Melanie had been badly injured in the college playground.
    “Oh you poor child!” Exclaimed the nurse when she saw Melanie bleeding profusely.
    “You are going to go under some serious medication, and soon enough a medic will come by and cover up your wound, and then you’ll be as right as rain.”
    The nurse spoke to Melanie in a way that made her feel very childish.

  2. Beatrice and her mum walked into the hospital to see granddad. Mum left Beatrice by the counter, while she went to the local pharmacy to check up a new medicine. Suddenly, a loud shriek was clearly heard from one of the corridors. Everybody stopped what they were doing and ran towards the sound, including Beatrice herself. She then noticed a dwarf hurry alongside the aisle.
    “What’s the matter?” asked Beatrice kneeling down on the white floor.
    The dwarf began to relate a bit about his childhood life, in a rather hoarse voice. What is he saying? Wondered Beatrice. But as the dwarf continued his speech, Beatrice grew worried. What was she going to do. She thought feeling helpless.

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